That’s a Wrap! Check Out the Highlights and Session Recordings From Our First Great Debate of the Year on Sustainability in Digital Advertising

On the 28th of March, IAB Europe hosted the first Great Debate of 2023 where we saw over 250 attendees tune […]
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On the 28th of March, IAB Europe hosted the first Great Debate of 2023 where we saw over 250 attendees tune in as we discussed and debated how we can advance and achieve sustainability in digital advertising. 

This virtual event brought industry experts together to discuss the state of readiness of our industry today. Speakers explored what is currently available to help drive the reduction of carbon emissions produced by the delivery of digital advertising and dived into what else needs to be done in order to achieve a sustainable future for our industry. 

In this post, you will find an overview of each of the sessions as well as links to the video recordings for you to view in your own time. Enjoy!

Keynote Presentation: Sustainability in Digital Advertising  – Andrew Hayward-Wright, Programmatic & Sustainability Advisor, IAB Europe

In this keynote presentation, Andrew Hayward-Wright, IAB Europe's Programmatic & Sustainability Advisor shared an overview of our industry to see where we are and how far we have progressed in our journey toward sustainable digital advertising. He also revealed why the time for us to act is now.

View the State of Readiness Report here and watch the session recording here

Panel Discussion with Audience Q&A: What’s Happening at a Local Level? Current Initiatives from National IABs

A panel of National IAB representatives shared some of the latest initiatives worked on at a local market level and discussed how we can bring these initiatives to a European and Global level.

Watch the session recording here

Panel Discussion with Audience Q&A: State of Play: What Are Corporate Companies Doing Today?

In this session industry experts shared some of the great work and initiatives they have seen in our industry to ensure sustainable digital advertising to date. They discussed current examples and different advertising techniques & technologies that are or are working towards being environmentally and socially responsible, while also being economically viable.

Watch the session recording here

Keynote Presentation – Confronting the Climate Emergency: How can the Media do Better – James Fleetham, Head of Client Sales, The Guardian 

Watch the session recording here

Panel Discussion with Audience Q&A  – How Do We Advance Sustainability in Digital Advertising

A panel of industry experts rounded up the above-mentioned initiatives and discussed what needs to happen next as we aim to advance and achieve sustainability in digital advertising.

Watch the session recording here 

If you're keen to learn more about sustainability in digital advertising and want a quick 101 overview from those most in the know why not check out our new Explainer Video here.

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