In collaboration with Google, on Tuesday 29th August we hosted a webinar on the Privacy Sandbox. It focused on how companies can get involved in testing and which tools are available.

As the general availability of the Privacy Sandbox APIs has been gradually rolled out over the past few months, this webinar provided a unique opportunity to all companies in the digital industry to learn more about how they can get involved in more effective and scalable testing.

Although the session was not recorded, we wanted to share some useful resources which we hope you find useful.

Presentation decks from the webinar 

Privacy Sandbox Demos 

Other useful resources that were asked during the Q&A session:

To further look into Privacy Sandbox testing we are holding another webinar on Tuesday 12th September with the UK’s Competition & Markets Authority (CMA). This is a must attend session to hear from an independent body on their assessment of industry feedback and the next steps needed, so register for free today


In December, IAB Europe, in collaboration with Google, held two technical webinars to provide a deeper understanding of how the API proposals of the Privacy Sandbox will work once the third-party cookie is deprecated. .

The second session focused on personalised Ads APIs, (Topics and FLEDGE) that are being tested in Chrome as of December 2022.

If you missed this webinar or just want to dive deeper into the Privacy Sandbox, please find a table of resources on Topics and FLEDGE below for your reference: 

Also Read here for an article from Joey Trotz, Director of Product Management, Privacy Sandbox, that provides an overview of how to maximise ad relevance after third-party cookies are deprecated on Chrome. 



Name + URL Type Description
Topics - chrome://topics-internals/ (only available within Chrome)


Tool User controls and classifier
API overview Demo Page Try out the Topics demo, and learn about the API and how to run Topics with flags or participate in an origin trial.
Topics - how to start testing


Technical Quick guide to implement and test the API. Access topics with JavaScript and share your feedback.
Topics demo - see the API in action


Demo Page Basic demo of the Topics API
Topics - technical explainer


Technical Draft proposal example
Topics tester list Tool Consolidated list of testing information which is currently distributed across various GitHub issues, company blogs, social posts, etc. 
Topics API - announcements mailing list Document Mailing List
Topics taxonomy Technical (Github)
Colab to play with the classifier Demo
How Topics API decides which callers sees which topics Demo Topics demo to learn about the API and how to run Topics with flags or participate in an origin trial.



Name + URL Type Description
FLEDGE overview Document On-device ad auctions to serve remarketing and custom audiences, without cross-site third-party tracking.
FLEDGE developer guide Document Technical reference to the current iteration of the experimental FLEDGE API.
FLEDGE technical explainer Technical Early prototype for ads serving in the TURTLEDOVE family, appropriate for experimentation before a fully-featured system is ready.
FLEDGE tester list Tool Consolidated testing information list which is currently distributed across various GitHub issues, company blogs, social posts, etc. 
FLEDGE - announcements mailing list Document Mailing List
FLEDGE explainer - Chapter 2: describing different types of signals Document Mailing List
FLEDGE start testing Demo FLEDGE is a Privacy Sandbox proposal to serve remarketing and custom audience use cases, designed so it cannot be used by third parties to track user browsing behaviour across sites.


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