[Webinar Wrap] Privacy Sandbox: Get Ready for Testing with UK’s CMA

In collaboration with the UK’s Competition & Markets Authority (CMA) on 12th September we hosted a webinar on Privacy Sandbox […]

In collaboration with the UK’s Competition & Markets Authority (CMA) on 12th September we hosted a webinar on Privacy Sandbox testing methods and proposed metrics. We looked into how results of testing will be used in the CMA’s assessment of the Privacy Sandbox changes. The CMA presented an overview of their testing framework alongside the relevant metrics and how companies can share their results with the CMA. This is a must watch session to hear from an independent body on their assessment of industry feedback and the next steps needed. 

If you were unable to attend the session or just wish to rewatch you can find the webinar recording here. The deck presented in the webinar is also available to download here.

Other useful resources discussed during the webinar:

The CMA encourages market participants to continue providing feedback and get in touch at privacysandbox@cma.gov.uk.

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