Tuesday 29th August | 16:00 CET – Register here
IAB Europe in collaboration with Google is hosting a webinar on Privacy Sandbox which focuses on how companies can get involved in testing and which tools are available for testing and which allow you to check how prepared you are for the deprecation of 3P cookies.
Chrome started the rollout of the Privacy Sandbox APIs to all Chrome users in July and plans to deprecate 3P cookies in the second half of 2024. With the deadline nearing quickly, this webinar provides a unique opportunity to all companies in the digital industry to learn more about how they get involved in testing and how to best prepare for the future.
Privacy Sandbox Survey
If you’re involved in the testing of the Privacy Sandbox APIs, or plan to get involved, please spare 5 minutes of your time to complete our survey here.
Participants' responses will be aggregated to identify common questions and concerns, and ensure our panelists offer you meaningful support and insights during both upcoming sessions. Individual responses will be kept confidential by IAB Europe. The deadline to participate in this survey is the 29th August.
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